Sunday, November 28, 2010

After break

Scene 6 is sorted.
Scene 4 (minus colour correction) is moooostly done as with Scene 2 (mostly).
Scenes 3 and 5 need some work mostly in terms of adding in the Arabic.
We have all of the footage from Morocco, still thinking of different ways to tie it all in and trying them out.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hi again

We finished filming on Friday, fingers crossed. I'm getting the footage from Morocco and starting to play with it, and, as Jackson said, I'll be Arabic-ing it up shortly.

November 17,2010

Today I logged and captured the interrogation scenes (the last of the major scenes of the film) and the arabic voice over by joe moussa. I edited all of Rachel's lines together, leaving gaps for the arabic to be placed in. Since the arabic is difficult for a non-arabic speaker to analyze and edit. Hannah will be editing that part.


Sunday, November 7, 2010

What we're up to

Today the three of us met up to work on some editing. We did some preliminary stuff where Jackson is in charge of the first edit of Scene 2, I've got Scene 4 and Jake's on Scene 6. We'll all go through each other's preliminary edits and then each get an input but we figure this way it'll go quicker, we each get some free license but eventually each get a say. It's going to be rough doing the edit not only cos of the language but because of a lot of paraphrasing but it'll be fiiiiiiiiiiine.
Also, meeting with Rachel lots, set to film more on Friday. I know this is later than you'd want, but we're working around everyone's busy schedule and we can't ask too much of Rachel so it's the best we've got at this point. We're also setting up some time to do voice work with Joe and Jake and I are pursuing different offers of getting establishing shots of good ol' Maroc.
That's all for now

Friday, November 5, 2010

Little update again!

Hi bloggie,
I met with Rachel for an hour this morning to rehearse and I will be seeing her for another hour on Wednesday night for much of the same (in French). I'm still tweaking the Arabrench and the Franglais but we shouuuuuuld be set to film the interrogation scenes on Friday!
Also, planning on meeting up with Joe to do the Arabic voice-over-ness within the next few days.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Hi blog,
It's Hannah here again, just letting you know that the lads and I filmed this past Friday, Saturday and Sunday for a whole chunk of hours and it went really well! It took a lot less time than we thought, we think it looks great and Monique even said that ours was the most efficient project she's ever worked on. I also met with the girls to rehearse on Saturday evening to rehearse lines and motivations and blocking and such so that Sunday would go more smoothly....and it did.
The end.