Monday, October 11, 2010


Hi blogg-blogg,
Last week, the guys came over and we chatted about the script some more; we want Nour to be more likeable and Layla less naive old-worldly to negate some of the colonialism-vibe that pops up sometimes.
We discussed starting the film with a close-up shot of Layla's feet running through Moroccan-y red dirt/broken pavement to give the film some location without having to fully recreate the country.
We also talked about an intro scene in a shop with one of the ladies buying a treat/something for the other on her way to the mosque. During the week we met up for lunch at ACI, this Middle Eastern shop and restaurant I know. I'm waiting to hear back from a lady I spoke with about using the space. Another Muslim friend of mine said that I can borrow her clothes for the ladies.
Auditions were OK-- only 8 or so people shows up but I have a couple of other mates who are actresses who I am trying to schedule individual times with so that the lads can see them. The chap who played the Judge in the play last year tried out for the same role, so that's an option. We're also trying to contact older Arab men that we know (0f) --wow that sounds sketchy, but it's not.
Aaaaanyways, more to come!

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